Two Weeks in P/CVE: Free Resources on Countering Extremism and Hate, March 2024 (II/II)

Browse and read from a list of the 155 most popular LinkedIn resources dealing with soft counter-extremism and countering hate speech, as posted by Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip, during the second half of March 2024…

The Top 10 links, as part of the current issue:
1. Bullying Victimization and Malevolent Creativity in Rural Adolescents: The Longitudinal Mediational Role of Hostile Attribution (National Library of Medicine, USA)
2. Tech companies grilled on how they are tackling terror and violent extremism (eSafetyCommissioner, Australian Government)
3. Deepfakes are still new, but 2024 could be the year they have an impact on elections (The Conversation)
4. Terrorist content lurks all over the internet – regulating only 6 major platforms won’t be nearly enough (The Conversation)
5. Country Papers on Prevention of Extremism (CONNEKT)

Background: since 2017, we have filed more than 13,000 shares on LinkedIn to a network of – now – more than 6,500 followers and connections – with links to articles and documents about countering extremism and radicalization, on countering hate, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation. This is one of the reviews of the posts. Each two weeks, the full list of resources, made up of direct links – ordered according to content performance – features in full on the website

Free articles and analyses on counter-extremism, on countering hate, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation:
Recent LinkedIn Posts:

hashtag#policyinstitutenet hashtag#preventradicalization hashtag#preventextremism hashtag#preventhate hashtag#bullyingprevention hashtag#disinformation hashtag#misinformation

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