The titles at | July 2022

  • Vulnerability to Malnutrition in the West African Sahel (World Bank)
  • Financing for gender equality in the Sahel and West Africa (OECD)
  • Mediation of local conflicts in the Sahel (Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue)
  • Sahel Crisis Humanitarian Needs and Requirements Overview 2022 (Reliefweb)
  • Land degradation and agriculture in the Sahel of Africa: causes, impacts and recommendations (Journal of Agricultural Science and Applications)
  • Counter-Terrorism in the Sahel: Increased Instability and Political Tensions (ICCT)
  • How is climate change affecting security in the Sahel? (CBAP)
  • Sahel : Ce qui a changé. Rapport de suivi … (Coalition citoyenne pour le Sahel)

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