Free Resources on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech, September 2023 (II/II)

Browse and read from a list of the 125 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip, during the second half of September 2023:

The Top 5 posts, as part of this issue:

  1. Misogynistic Extremism, The Manosphere, and Mainstream Social Media | September 2023 (Diverting Hate)
  2. Patterns in terrorist propaganda can provide foundation for effective counter messaging (University of Buffalo)
  3. Improving Your Counter-Terrorism Response: A Six-Step Guide to Adhering to the EU’s TCO Regulation (Tech Against Terrorism)
  4. A Functional Approach to Violent Radicalization. Building a Systemic Model Based on a Real Case (RESI, Spain)
  5. Algorithmic extremism? The securitization of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on radicalism, polarization and political violence (Technology in Society) |

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