Tag: Geostrategy
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net. February 2023
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, January 2023
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, December 2022:
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net. October 2022
Sahelian countries must accelerate growth and prioritize climate adaptation to alleviate poverty and address food insecurity (World Bank Group) Sahel: 10 Years of Instability. Local, Regional and International Dynamics (ISPI)…
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net. September 2022
– The Untapped Potential of Great Green Wall Value Chains: An Action Agenda to Scale Restoration in the Sahel (Weforum)– Sahel countries must take climate adaptation measures to address food…
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net. July 2022
Vulnerability to Malnutrition in the West African Sahel (World Bank) Financing for gender equality in the Sahel and West Africa (OECD) Mediation of local conflicts in the Sahel (Centre for…
New posts at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, April 2021 (I/II)
Scale-up action to combat child malnutrition in Africa’s Sahel (United Nations) Hunger in West Africa reaches record high in a decade as the region faces an unprecedented crisis (World Food…
Digital Transformation: Competition, Diplomacy, and International Norms
Anosh Samuel Master in International Relations, University of Siegen Associate, Policyinstitute.net The following is a summary of the third section, ‘Competition and Emergent Technologies,’ of the book ‘Competition in World…