Tag: Economy
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net. July 2022
Vulnerability to Malnutrition in the West African Sahel (World Bank) Financing for gender equality in the Sahel and West Africa (OECD) Mediation of local conflicts in the Sahel (Centre for…
New posts at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, April 2021 (I/II)
Scale-up action to combat child malnutrition in Africa’s Sahel (United Nations) Hunger in West Africa reaches record high in a decade as the region faces an unprecedented crisis (World Food…
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, 14 March 2022
Effects of Land Cover Changes on Compound Extremes over West Africa Using the Regional Climate Model RegCM4 (MDPI) Climate change, development, and conflict-fragility nexus in the Sahel (Brookings) Assessing the…
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, 18 February 2022:
– Violent extremism in the Sahel is strengthening its grip in West Africa (LSE)– Sahel: Moving beyond military containment policy report (Atlantic Council)– Future rainfall over Sahel and Sahara (RealClimate)–…
The titles at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, 17 January 2022
– Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UN SC) – Select Briefing of the Special Representative of the…
New posts at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, 10 December 2021
– 35.8 million face lean season food crisis in West Africa and Sahel (UN News) – Climate Risk Profile: Sahel (UNHCR) – Africa bets on renewable energy for its electrification…
New posts at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, 17 October 2021
– The impact of the Sahel conflict on cross-border movements from Burkina Faso and Mali towards Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana (Mixed Migration Centre)– Clean Energy Transitions in the Sahel (IEA)–…
New posts at SahelCenter.org | Policyinstitute.net, 19 August 2021
– Stablising the Sahel. Livestock as a driver of regional integration (SPARK)– Migration and Development: Examining the migration development nexus in Kayes Region, Mali (ADMIGOV)– Employment creation potential, labor skills…