Two Weeks in P/CVE: Free Resources on Countering Extremism and Hate, May 2024 (I/II)

Browse and read from a list of the 200 most popular LinkedIn resources dealing with soft counter-extremism and countering hate speech, as posted by Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip, during the first half of May 2024… ( (

The Top 5 resources, as part of the current issue:

1. Hate preachers and extremists banned from the UK. Dangerous extremists intent on promoting extreme ideologies will be blocked from entering the UK as the government steps up action to protect the public (UK.GOV):

2. Safeguarding media freedom vital to counter misinformation (The Star, Malaysia via pressreader):

3. The Role of Social Networks in Facilitating and Preventing Domestic Radicalization: What Research Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice Tells Us (National Institute of Justice):

4. Digital Competencies in Verifying Fake News: Assessing the Knowledge and Abilities of Journalism Students (MDPI):

5. Improving Understanding of Misinformation Campaigns with a Two-Stage Methodology Using Semantic Analysis of Fake News (Research Challenges in Information Science):

Background: since 2017, we have filed more than 14,000 shares on LinkedIn to a network of – now – about 6,700 followers and connections – with links to articles and documents about countering extremism and radicalization, on countering hate, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation. This is one of the reviews of the posts. Each two weeks, the list of resources, made up of direct links – ordered according to content performance – features in full on the websites and

Free articles and analyses on counter-extremism, on countering hate, AI, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation:
Recent LinkedIn Posts:

#policyinstitutenet #preventradicalization #preventextremism #preventhate #bullyingprevention #artificialintelligence #disinformation #misinformation

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