The titles at |, 17 January 2022

– Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UN SC)

– Select Briefing of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, to the United Nations Security Council (UNOWAS)

– Select UNDP launches Sahel Offer, seeking largest joint commitment to regenerate the region (UNDP)
UNDP launches Sahel Offer, seeking largest joint commitment to regenerate the region (UNDP)

– Decade of Sahel conflict leaves 2.5 million people displaced (UNHCR)

– Harvesting the rain: The adoption of environmental technologies in the Sahel (Tufts, UCSB)

– Africa’s ‘Great Green Wall’ could have far-reaching climate effects (ScienceNews)

– Targeting for Social Safety Nets: Evidence from Nine Programs in the Sahel (

– Livestock and ecosystems in the Sahel: the good, the bad and the ugly (World Agroforestry)

– The 3rd Annual Sahel Summit (CSIS)

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